There’s no need to mess around with GPX files or manual data imports. The platform pulls delivery data directly from FedEx's system and displays their location together with the address, number of packages, and shelf ID (where the package is located in the driver's truck).
Using touch gestures, drivers can seamlessly select a portion or all of their jobs and receive in-app turn-by-turn directions to complete their jobs easily. This means that new drivers can manage their work area like a seasoned vet – even on day one.
Urbanlytics has saved 17% of their net operating costs. Now Vikram's fleet is equipped to handle all of their assigned jobs in a single day. It also allows novice drivers to perform to standards comparable to veteran drivers. With the help of Afi Labs, Vikram is able to manage his fleet and scale his business effectively.
Afi Lab's platform is tailored to my every need while leaving room for flexibility for unexpected delivery orders and delays. My drivers are no longer struggling with delivery orders and can respond to any issue that arises while out in the field.
Vikram Sekhon
Ground Operator